Saturday, 4 June 2011

Fish Pie Made With Quinoa Flour

Fish Pie Made With Quinoa Flour

 The fish pie got the thumbs up yesterday.  The idea was simple:  I used quinoa flour instead of  wheat flour, and made a simple, basic fish pie. 

So here's the recipe measured very roughly (it was an experiment):


50grams of white fish
50grams of uncooked broccoli
½ pint of milk
1 small onion - finely diced
1 tablespoon of quinoa flour
Thick bechamel sauce
½ a teaspoon of bouillon mix
2 medium sized potatoes boiled and mashed


Lightly poach the fish in half of the milk, along with the onion, using the lowest heat on the hob. 

Chop the broccoli into ¾" florets. 

When the fish flakes easily under a little pressure from a fork or spoon, it's cooked.  Take it out of the pan and lay it aside.  Use the milk still in the pan as stock for the white sauce - leave the diced onion in too. 

I use a Liverpool roux.  I think it's healthier than a proper roux because you're not using fat. 

Sauce Covering White Fish and Broccoli
To make a Liverpool roux, just mix the quinoa flour in a little fresh milk, and keep adding milk until you’ve mixed it all in and it pours easily.  Slowly add that to the milk and onion in the pan - keeping the hob at its lowest possible heat (especially now, to keep the sauce from sticking to the pan.)  Keep stirring until it cooks through and you get a thick white sauce.

Chop or flake the fish into a pie dish.  Add the uncooked broccoli on top of that.  Pour the white sauce over and cover it all with the mashed potatoes.  You can top that with a little grated cheese. 

Potato Topping
I put mine in the microwave for 5 minutes to par-cook the broccoli and then use the grill to brown it quickly on top.
Quinoa - Health Benefits and Cooking Tips

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